dilluns, 21 d’octubre del 2019

Extra information

Tips of solar energy:

>>Active solar energy: it uses photovoltaic panels and solar thermal collectors to collect energy. >>Passive solar energy: essentially uses bioclimatic architecture, specially designed to capture solar energy and take advantage of it.

                                Resultat d'imatges de energia solar gif

>>Photovoltaic solar energy: take advantage of photovoltaic effect to generate an electric current. It can be used to supply electricity in autonomous installations or can be supplied (sold) on the electricity grid.

    Click here if you want to know more information of Photovoltaic solar energy.

>>Thermal solar energy: the way to take advantage is very common and economical. It is about taking advantage of solar radiation to heat water through solar collectors. It can be used to obtain hot water or for the heating of a home.
Resultat d'imatges de energia solar gif

>>Concentrating solar thermal energy: Concentration solar thermal energy is a type of solar thermal energy that uses mirrors to concentrate sunlight on a small space. Concentrated sunlight is transformed into heat, from which electricity is generated.

>>Hybrid solar energy: Hybrid solar energy is called that conjugates two energy sources to produce electricity from a hybridization. For example, photovoltaic solar energy with fossil fuels.

>>Solar wind energy: As solar wind energy is known that uses the air heated by the Sun to produce electricity.

Derrived energies:

>>Wind power (sun heats the air and generates air currents)

>>Hydraulic energy (it uses the potential energy of water).💧

>>Non-renewable energy (coal or petroleum)🤔

Resultat d'imatges de petroli

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